Kumari Palany & Co

Job Opportunities: Chennai University Announcement! Today Last day for applying!

Posted on: 26/Oct/2020 11:34:02 AM
Chennai University has made an official announcement for the recruitment of the existing vacant posts of Guest Lecturer.

Post: Guest Lecturer

Vacancy: 1

Age Limit: Candidates must be under 65 years of age.

Last date for application: 26th October (Today - Monday)

Academic Qualifications: 
Candidates must have completed an MA/MBA (HRM) from the Government-approved Universities. Candidates who have passed NET/SLET/Ph. D. are also eligible to apply.

Monthly Salary: Rs. 20000.

Selection Procedure: 
Direct section after interview Candidates will be selected based on the performance in the interview.

Date of the interview: 29th October

Applying Procedure: 
Eligible and interested candidates can send filled applications by e-mail before 26th October (Monday- today) to dacehod@gmail.com.

For further information and to access the official announcement details, visit the ink:


Official website: https://www.unom.ac.in/#home