Kumari Palany & Co

Re-examination time-table released for those students who could not write the exams!

Posted on: 10/Nov/2020 2:56:36 PM
Anna University conducted online examinations for the final year students recently.

Anna University conducted these online examinations for the final year students throughout the State of Tami Nadu by adopting the Artificial Intelligence technology, 93% of students wrote these online examinations.

In this situation, for those students who could not write the above online examinations due to technical problems, Anna University has recently released the notification for the re-examination. As per this, the re-examinations are scheduled t be conducted from 17th November to 21st November.

Anna University has released the timetable for the above re-examinations yesterday (Monday, 9th November). The students can visit the official website of Anna University and access the above timetable.

It is worth noting at this juncture that even these re-examinations will be conducted online for 1 hour!