The State Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that the colleges will reopen on 2nd December exclusively for the for the students in the final year postgraduate courses and research.
Accordingly, it was announced as well by the State Government of Tamil Nadu that the schools also will reopen for the 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th Standard students. However, with the present situation of the raging coronavirus pandemic not yet abating in its severity/spread, the public from avenues has appealed to the State Government of Tamil Nadu to reconsider this proposal.
Subsequently, opinion/feedback regarding this issue was sought from the parents of the students by the state government of Tamil |Nadu. The State Minister for School Education for the State Government of Tamil |Nadu, K. A. Sengottaiyan, announced that the Chief Minister of Tami Nadu, E. Palaniswamy, will make an official announcement on this issue!
In this scenario, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has officially announced recently that the SCHOOLS WILL NOT REOPEN ON 16TH NOVEMBER AS ANNOUNCED EARLIER! The state government of Tamil Nadu has explained this decision that it was taken after due consideration of the health of the students which are of primary importance in the present juncture of the coronavirus spread.
It has further informed that an announcement will be made later regarding the reopening of schools in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Notwithstanding this, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has also announced that the colleges will reopen exclusively for the final year students of postgraduate and research courses on 2nd December.