Kumari Palany & Co

Scam Alert! - From the Police Department - on Apps for fast loans!

Posted on: 12/Nov/2020 2:48:02 PM

The Police Department has issued a ‘scam alert’ to the public on the Apps (on mobile phones) which promise immediate loans.

Some of the Apps in this regard send SMS promising quick arrangement for loans. The needy people fall for this. For example, when they ask for a loan of Rs. 5000,   Rs. 1500 is deducted as a processing fee and only an amount of Rs. 3500 materializes! Further, in case of delay in repayment for this, these apps harass the customer with interest on interest for the delayed payment.

Apart from this, information is gathered that these Apps track the contact numbers of the client and harass them as well.

So, the Police Department has warned the public to be cautious before dealing with such Apps!