The number of daily Covid-19 cases in Chennai city has stayed below the 2000 for the third successive day. On Sunday, 15TH November 2020, the state of TN had 1819 fresh or new Coronavirus cases and there were 2520 recoveries. There are now 16441 active Covid-19 cases in TN.
It must not be forgotten that in the beginning of the month of November TN had around 20,000 active cases. The Covid-19 deaths in TN touched 11478 and this is the third highest in India. The states of Maharashtra and Karnataka have recorded more deaths due to Coronavirus infection than TN. For almost 2 weeks now, the fatality ratio of TN has been around 1.5 percent. As many as12 persons died in the last 24 hours in TN due to Coronavirus infection. Information is that the 12 who died had issues like BP, diabetes etc and were above the age of 50.
On Sunday across TN, 65053samples were tested for the infection in 209 labs and the total samples tested touched 1.1 crores. For every 10lakhs people, 1.4lakh samples were tested in TN. This is almost twice the number of tests done in Maharashtra (80,000 samples for every 10lakhs people).
For the 5th successive day, the active cases have been decreasing in the hot spot Chennai and the city is now recovering at better speed. Sunday saw 502 fresh Coronavirus cases in Chennai. The fresh cases in Chengalpet district were 123 and it was 89 and 82 in districts like Tiruvallur and Kancheepuram respectively.
The above neighbouring districts along with Chennai together were responsible for 44 percent of new cases yesterday As many as 496 belonging to the western districts in TN tested Covid-19 positive yesterday. District of Coimbatore had as many as171 new cases and was followed by Salem and Tirupur with 87 fresh cases and 73 fresh cases respectively.