Kumari Palany & Co

In Chennai, the number of streets with fresh COVID cases reduces now

Posted on: 28/Nov/2020 9:12:10 AM
On Thursday, all the 396 fresh or new Covis-19 cases that were reported were from 123 streets in Chennai. This has been confirmed by GCC now.

Truth is that the number of streets with Coronavirus cases has come down to less than 150 now in Chennai city. It must not be forgotten that in the past Covid-19 pandemic was reported from as many as1000 streets and this made the officials of GCC to convert them into containment zones.    

On 22nd October, as many as398 streets in Chennai reported fresh Coronavirus cases and now the overall number of streets with covid-19 cases has come down below 400.There were just 396 positive cases out of the total 7496 samples tested by GCC on Thursday. This is equal to 5percent TPR or test positivity rate. Till Thursday, Chennai city reported 2.13lak Coronavirus cases. The superb piece of information is that out of the 2.13lakhs more than 2.05 lakhs have recovered. This corresponds to the recovery rate of around 96percent.

In the zones like Manali and Sholinganallur, there are less than 100 active cases. Manali zone has 68 active cases and Sholinganallur zone has 84 active cases. Amongst the Chennai city zones, Anna Naga has got the most number of active cases now. Adyar zone has 399 cases, there are now 398 cases in Teynampet zone and is followed by Kodambakkam with 391 active cases.

Fact is that nearly 60perceny of active cases were males and the rest females. The data from GCC clearly indicated that 19% are aged between 50 and 59.Till now in Chennai city, 3837passed away due to this deadly infection with a mortality rate of 1.79%.

Less than 100 deaths have been recorded from the zones like Manali, Madhavaram and Sholinganallur etc. The highest number of deaths in Chennai was from zones like Teynampet and Anna Nagar.