Kumari Palany & Co

Shocking!! IIT-M becomes COVID cluster now with 71 positive cases

Posted on: 14/Dec/2020 9:22:45 AM
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras or IIT-M, one of the premier educational institutes is now making news for wrong reason!!

From 1st of December, a total of 71 persons have been tested positive for Coronavirus infection in the prestigious IIT-M. As a result, all the departments in IIT-M have been closed now. Information is that out of these 71 persons 66 are students.

A circular was issued on Sunday and it stated that the institute has decided to close all the departments, centres and library immediately until further notice.

It is worthy to note that all faculty members plus research scholars and project staff members would work from their homes. The scholars, students and project staff members staying at the campus have been advised to be in their rooms itself.

Mr. J. Radhakrishnan, health secretary, wrote to all the collectors and Chennai Corporation commissioner Mr. G. Prakash asking them to keep an eye on the educational institutions and hostels and encourage takeaway food. He expressed his thoughts and said that those with remote symptoms of Covid-19 and those who have returned from other states must be monitored strictly. These persons must be tested and isolated if found Coronavirus positive.

From 1st December onwards, sporadic cases have been reported from IIT-M and in the last 2/3 days the number of cases have gone up. It is now clear that till now as many as 66 students, 4 mess workers and one person in the resident quarters have tested positive for Coronavirus infection and this was out of 277 samples.

These persons are now getting treated in the Guindy based Government Corona Hospital and their condition is stable now. As many as 16 persons tested positive from 1st December to 10th December and on Friday there were 11 cases. On Saturday, IIT-M had 12 Coronavirus cases and it rose to 32 on Sunday.