The premier educational institute IIT-M has been recording more number of Covid-19 positive cases in the last few days and this has set the alarm bells ringing.
It must be taken into account that till now, more than 180 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in this IIT-M. It is now brought out the TN government is holding talks with the health experts regarding continuing the ongoing classes in the universities and in the colleges in Chennai and in TN after conducting Covid-19 tests for all the students.
From 2nd December, colleges and universities in TN were reopened for the final year UG and PG students after being closed for containing the spread of Coronavirus pandemic. These educational institutions were reopened amidst stiff opposition from many educationists. The sudden rise in the Covid-19 cases at IIT-M has created huge fear among the authorities and academicians etc.
It was later revealed by a senior officer belonging to the Higher Education Department that inspoite of precautionary steps taken by the educational institutions there are chances for Covid-19 infection to spread among the students now. He threw light on how IIT-M despite being one of the well maintained campuses has now got so many Coronavirus cases. Truth is that physical monitoring of the safety measures by thE government authorities at the colleges would be very difficult.
It is now said that after conducting many discussions with the health department officials the government would take a decision on to continue the classes or to shut down.