Kumari Palany & Co

Corporation to reduce school dropout rate

Posted on: 10/Jun/2013 11:05:43 AM
The Chennai Corporation is all set to take steps to try and reduce the drop out rate from schools. It has come to light that the dropout rate in North Chennai alone is between 7 and 8 per cent. The Corporation will publish handbooks that will bring out the positives about schools and its efficiency and improved standards. The handbooks will be distributed among parents.

‘Many children drop out from schools especially because of a de­p­ressing family situati­on. To address the is­sue, the corporation wi­ll be appointing three psychological counsellors from July in every zone to render counselling to the students. We have dr­awn the attention of ch­ildren by launching sm­­a­rt classes in 24 sch­ools and several kids lo­ve to attend the math labs in the corporation sc­hools’, said an official.