Kumari Palany & Co

Delay in the opening of the north line of the Chennai Metro Rail

Posted on: 30/Dec/2020 9:14:02 AM
The latest news is that the opening of the north line of Chennai metro rail would be delayed by a month now. It is known that this phase 1 extension project of Chennai metro rail connects northern parts of Chennai. This would make many commuters feel disappointed now.

On Tuesday, Mr. M.C. Sampath, minister for industries, was cynosure of many eyes when he took part in the meeting and spoke about the phase 1 extension that would be ready by February 2021.

Poor pace of the construction at a few metro stations was the reason behind the delay and this was according to some sources belonging to CMRL. The sources added that by February only the construction of two stations at Gowri Ashram and Tondiarpet would get finished.

The contract of IF & LS was terminated and as a result the CMRL had to rope in a new contractor to complete the works. The IF & LS was one of the important firms that were involved in the construction of Tondiarpet and Sir Theagaraya College stations. Only when the contractors complete the construction of the stations, the Commissioner of Metro Rail safety could start the final inspections. The locomotive trial runs have started is known to us.

Inspection in first week of February and approval:
By the first week of February at the earliest, the above said inspection would take place. This would be followed by changes or rectifications and later the documents would be sent. After the Commissioner is satisfied with the arrangements, the final approval certificate would be issued. The sources have mentioned that the construction of Wimco Nagar depot would be completed after a month or 2 months of time. Information collected is that CMRL has planned to operate 10 trains for this project and the frequency would remain unchanged as of now due to low patronage.