The percentage (%) of patients who recovered from the raging coronavirus infection in the country has increased to 95.99.
In the last 24 hours, more than 26000 patients affected by coronavirus infection have recovered and returned home! The number of patients who have recovered in India so far has increased to 9834141 as per the Central Ministry of Health. This constitutes 2.56% of the total infection cases.
In the present circumstances, 262272 patients are under treatment for coronavirus infection. For the 10th successive day, the number of patients under treatment for coronavirus infection has remained under 3 Lakhs.
In the last 24 hours, with 20881 per4sons having been confirmed with coronavirus infection, the total number of people affected by the raging coronavirus infection has increased to 10266674.
Presently, the percentage (%) of loss of lives due to the coronavirus infection is 1.5. This is a very low figure as compared to several countries. With 286 patients have died in the last 24 hours due to coronavirus infection, the total loss of lives has increased to 148439. This is 1.45% f the total infected persons.
Based on the coronavirus testing front, India has crossed another milestone! As per the information released by India Medical Research Council, 1120281 tests have been undertaken in the last 24 hours. As n 29th December, 170922020 tests have been undertaken.