The Tamil Nadu-Kerala interstate borders and poultry farms in Namakkal have increased vigilance now. The recent bird flu outbreak in Kerala has been responsible for the increased vigilance. The state animal husbandry department is highly concerned about the bird flu issue and has increased vigilance.
From Tuesday morning, the vehicles entering TN border from Kerala were closely monitored in the border check posts in Coimbatore, Tirupur, The Nilgiris, Kanniyakumari, Tirunelveli and Theni districts. Only other vehicles were only allowed after fumigation and those vehicles that carried poultry were stopped.
Dr. Perumalsamy, joint director, animal husbandry department, Coimbatore spoke about the checking of the vehicles from Kerala at 12 places like Walayar, Velanthavalam, Meenakshipuram and Gopalpuram etc. he hinted about the presence of personnel from police department, animal husbandry department and revenue department at the check posts.
It must be taken into account that chicken is sent from TN to Kerala mostly and Kerala sends dicks to TN.
Intensified screening at the borders:
Mr. J. Radhakrishnan, health secretary, threw light on the intensified screening at all districts bordering Kerala. He appreciated the efforts of various departments that have been involved in preventing human transmission of the virus.
It is known that Alleppey and Kottayam districts in Kerala have confirmed the bird flu cases now. The bird flu has been declared a state specific disaster by the neighbouring state government authorities and a high alert has been issued by them.
The poultry farmers in Namakkal (egg and chicken production hub) were highly worried as similar outbreaks have been reported in Rajasthan, MP and in HP. Mr. Senthil ,egg exporter from Namakkal expressed his thoughts and mentioned about the spraying of disinfectants on all vehicles coming from other states in India.
Precautions for workers in poultry farms:
The egg exporter Senthil then pointed out the precautions for the workers at the poultry farms. While entering the poultry farm, the workers must soak their legs in disinfectant liquid. In the working hours, workers must wear face masks, hand gloves and aprons etc.
At the checkpoints in Kanniyakumari, one of the important entry points from Kerala, teams comprising veterinarian, livestock inspector, attender and 2 assistants have been stationed to spray chlorine dioxide disinfectants. This exercise would be there for another 90 days and would be continued further if necessary. This was according to some officials belonging to the animal husbandry department.
It was later revealed thahat the officials have been coordinating with the forest department to check whether migratory birds visiting places like Kariyamanickam near Suchindram in Kanniyakumari district were infected. It must be noted that the vehicles returning after unloading chicken in Kerala were disinfected at the Puliyarai check post in Tenkasi district. This was as per Mr. Jayapal Raj, a veterinarian.