Kumari Palany & Co

Information about the ECR storm water drain plan

Posted on: 07/Jan/2021 9:30:18 AM
The news that has come out is another study would be carried out on the storm water drain plan of ECR. This would be to ensure that the natural habitats would not get affected. There are plans to construct an integrated storm water drain or SWD at the cost of Rs 270 crores in the localities along ECR or East Coast Road is well known. This project would be funded by a Germany based funding agency and GCC would be the implementing agency.

The English translation of the letter written by Mr. Nobert Barthle, Mdb, Member of German Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary to the German Members of the Parliament, was circulated in the social media. The letter stated that the construction could not be carried out near the beach and no payments could be made till this was clarified.

It was then mentioned by Mr. R. Balakrishnan, treasurer, VGP Golden Sea-view Residents Welfare association that the translation of the letter clearly stated that the project proponent prepared an extensive study. It included an environment and social impact assessment as a part of the project preparation.

As the storm water management projects were exempted by law and the project was not located in a permit needed zone under the CRZ notification, the study concluded no additional environmental clearance was needed. It must be noted that these findings were confirmed in2017 by an independent consultant. This was before the signing of the financial agreements and the findings were supplemented by another study. This was according to the letter.