The State Government of Tamil Nadu had earlier announced the cancellation of the arrears examinations for the undergraduate course students mainly because of the raging coronavirus pandemic and the consequent preventive measure of lockdown imposition. However, there was a strong protest and disagreement against the cancellation of the arrears examinations from academic organisations such as U|GC (University Grants Commission|).
Consequently, it has been decided to conduct the arrears examinations again for the concerned students. As such, the examination timetable has been released on behalf of the universities and this development has shocked the students!
As regards Tami Nadu, over 500 engineering
colleges are functioning under Anna University. Apart from this, there are ov3er 1300 Arts & Science Colleges affiliated to the State Universities’. Besides this, there are other universities, polytechnics, academic colleges on teaching, ITIS (Industrial Training Institutes), technical institutes making up for more than 500 academic institutions.
In this situation, due to the imposition of lockdown conditions as a preventive measure by the state and Central governments. All colleges were closed from 24th March.
As such, a situation prevailed when the semester examinations could not be conducted during April and |Mayas conducted regularly. In this scenario, as the coronavirus was prevailing at its raging worst until July, it was impossible to conduct the semester examinations. In this condition, the parents of the students appealed that the students who had paid the fees for the academic session must be declared as passed.
Subsequently, the Chief Minister of the State of Tamil Nadu, E. Palaniswamy, released an announcement on 26th August. In this order, it was mentioned|:
” The semester examinations are being cancelled for all the 1st & 2nd year students in the undergraduate courses, polytechnic courses and the diploma courses, and the engineering colleges up to the 3rd year of the engineering courses.
Except for the final semester, the students of all other categories who had paid the fees for writing the arrears examinations are exempted from writing the examinations as per the guidance given by the UGC (University Grants Commission) and AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and suitable marks will be awarded.”
As per this order, all other students except those who are set to the final semester examinations, in case they have arrears on subjects, and paid the fees for the scheduled semester examinations in April/May will be given ‘All Pass!
Quite naturally, this Tamilil Nadu State Government news delighted the students who had kept arrears for several years.
In the above situation, UGC and AICTE raised strong injections on the above State |Government Order! Further, several petitions were submitted to the court pursuing cases on this issue. While conducting the enquiry, it was expressed on behalf of UGC and AICTE that IT CANNOT BE AGREED THAT STUDENTS WHO HAVE NOT WRITTEN THE ARREARS EXAMINATIONS DECLARED AS HAVING PASSED!
In this status, this petition/issue is now with the Supreme Court with the claim on behalf of the Department of Higher Education of the State Government of Tamil Nadu that there was no violation of any rules on this action and this decision was taken only with due consideration for the health/welfare of the students.
After the status explained as above, there has been a sudden announcement from the University administration! In this announcement, it is recommended that the students with arrears can prefer to write the arrears examinations if they want to score additional marks or better grades.
Meanwhile, the administration stopped issuing the ‘pass’ certificate through the students needed the ‘All Pass’.
In this situation, all the 16 universities in the state decided to conduct the regular examinations and the arrears examinations in a joint manner.
As per this, information is gathered that a timetable for these examinations has been prepared and released on behalf of the Chennai University. The examinations originally scheduled in April/November, are scheduled to be conducted as per this timetable. The arrears and a-pass examinations are now held.
Further information is gathered that timetables are being prepared by the other universities as well and they are set to be released shortly.
This sudden development has indeed shocked the students, especially with the previous State Government announcement, cancelling the same and declaring ‘all-pass!