The percentage of students pursuing higher studies in the State of Tamil Nadu has gone up from 32% to 49%!
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Tami Nadu, E. Palaniswamy, has announced that all college students will be given free 2 GB data Cards.
In a notification released by him, the Chief Minister has mentioned:
“With various innovative initiatives undertaken by the State Government of Tamil Nadu, the percentage of students pursuing higher studies in the |State of Tamil Nadu has gone up from 32% to 49%!
Further, the State Government has also implemented the system of offering free laptops to the students who study in the government or government-aided college.
With the academic institutions including all colleges remaining closed as a preventive measure against the raging coronavirus pandemic, these academic institutions have started conducting online cases considering the welfare of the students.
To facilitate the students studying in the government or government-aided Arts & Science Colleges, Polytechnic colleges, Engineering Colleges and the students who have scholarships studying in self-financed college, totalling 969027 students, I have ordered to offer free 2 GB of data cards per day from January 2021 to April 2021.
I consider this is as a precious help extended by this Honored Amma’s Government to the students during this difficult period when classes have to be conducted only online and bless and wish the students to utilize this facility and wish them all the best!"