Kumari Palany & Co

There would NOT be any vaccination done on Sundays in Chennai and in TN says Health Department

Posted on: 26/Jan/2021 9:52:32 AM
In the future, 7 days vaccination sessions would become 6 days vaccination sessions in TN!!

Reviewing of Covid-19 vaccination schedule has been carried out by the health department. The department is thinking to revise the strategy because vaccination would be a long term exercise.

It is now revealed that the health department is considering halting vaccinating on Sundays. It was confirmed by senior health officials that on 2 Sundays the session sites were open but the attendance was minimal. Truth is that on one Sunday 3000 odd people came to get vaccinated and on another Sunday 2500 odd came for vaccination. This has shown that there has been some reluctance to come forward to get vaccination on Sundays.

The health secretary, Mr. J. Radhakrishnan spoke about how in this weekend pulse polio campaign would be conducted and as a result there would not be vaccination on 31st January. He added that there was a proposal to conduct vaccination sessions for 6 days a week instead of 7 days sessions that is done now. The people of TN are coming slowly to the vaccination centres to get the vaccine shots. Information is that health leaders have taken vaccination shots in order to infuse confidence.

Reviewing and re-strategizing periodically is important. It is important to mention here that since there are dedicated staff attached to each vaccination site plus the flow of people not significant on Sunday’s the health department is considering giving a break for one day. It is well known that Coronavirus infection first began to spread in TN from March 2020.