Education is very important and when this comes along with the entertainment then the results would be tremendous!!
For safer visit by the public, the major tourist spots of Chennai city have revamped arrangements now. Larger crowds are expected now in the weekends in these tourist spots.
For controlling crowds, the entry fee has been increased in the highly popular Crocodile Bank. In another major tourist spot Muttukadu Boathouse has got plans to extend the timings from 5 pm to 7pm. In addition, it has brought more boats for the purpose of maintaining social distancing.
The manager of the Boathouse spoke about how the computerised ticketing would be superb in eliminating long queues at the ticket counters. Several edutainment (education and entertainment) programmes have been planned at the Crocodile Bank. The visitors coming to this bank would be able to know about snakes and treatment of snake bites etc. It has been revealed that the Crocodile Bank would be virtual sessions on various poisonous snakes like vipers, cobras etc on their official social media page.
There would be strict Covid-19 protocols in place in other tourist spots like Vandalur Zoo, Mahabalipuram etc and the security personnel would make sure that the visitors follow the rules.
It was mentioned by an officer belonging to the TTDC that the visitors would get Covid-19 safety pamphlet at the entrance of Mahabalipuram. At every gate, there would be a sanitizer bottle kept for washing hands plus the security personnel would issue facemasks to those who do not have. Mahabalipuram gets visitors from all over India and the safety norms would be strictly implemented here. More people would be present at the tourist sites to ensure proper implementation of safety norms. There are many now who are afraid to take their families to these tourist spots due to the fear of Covid-19 infection. These revamped arrangements at the tourist spots in Chennai would surely attract many now.
The manager of the Boathouse later hinted that there might be more tourists at the tourist spots during the weekends. He added that for covering expenditure and maintenance more tourists would be needed.