In Chennai, Vadapalani is an important residential locality. The roads here are full of potholes etc is known to us. Even on the non- motorable stretches, there have been many accidents here. For more than a decade, the roads have remained in a damaged condition.
These pothole ridden roads have become very bad now and they are creating lots of issues to the public. It was mentioned by a resident of Kumaran Colony in Vadapalani that the approach roads have been in bad shape inspite of the presence of a famous medical college in the locality. She threw light on how it took more than after 72 hours for the water to recede after the heavy rains. Some residents want the GCC to fill up the potholes holes atleast.
It must be noted that people residing in the streets surrounding Vadapalani metro station have been finding it difficult due to parking of cars and two wheelers on either side of their streets. The entrances of many houses get blocked. Truth is that the visitors park their cars on these streets because there is no parking space available in Vadapalani metro station. The malls nearby collect high amounts as parking fees and this has made many to park their vehicles in these streets.