As of Monday evening, the Chennai hospitals had only around 430 oxygen beds and around 50 ICU beds unoccupied. This was according to the state government dashboard data. It is known that this data provides information about the real time availability of beds as they get updated regularly.
Now, the daily cases have gone above 6000 in Chennai and finding beds for the critically affected Coronavirus patients is not an easy task. It was stated by an officer belonging to GCC that 80% of the Covid-19 patients do not need oxygen supply or ICU. Point is that these patients are being sent for home isolation or to Covid Care Centres. It is brought out that when the symptoms recede then patients would be transferred from oxygen beds to the normal ones. The patients would later be discharged after observing theory recovery.
A recovered Covid-19 patient expressed her thoughts. She spoke about how it was very tough to get beds in Chennai without recommendations from the officers or doctors. She added that the patients would get discharged in 3 to 4 days even after getting bed.
It is important to note that GCC has taken steps to create 1500 oxygen beds at the hospitals and at Covid Care Centres under its control. This has been due to the expected peak in the number of cases in May month. As per the officer belonging to GCC, there are nearly 5000 oxygen beds at the private and government hospitals in Chennai and the state health department has been creating new beds.