Kumari Palany & Co

BE CAREFUL!! After discharge also many COVID patients in Chennai develop health complications

Posted on: 08/May/2021 10:06:34 AM
Battling against the Covid-19 infection, recovering from the infection and getting discharged from the hospitals might sound simple and straight process but it is not true.

Many now return back to the hospitals with severe health complications. There are others who succumb to this deadly and fast spreading infection. Important piece of information is that now the daily recoveries in Tamil Nadu are nearing 20000 per day and not all discharges are made with proper clinical observations.

The doctors were of the view that a chest CT scan before discharging could prevent the Covid-19 patients returning back to the hospitals with severe complications.

A Chennai based resident spoke about how he lost his 68 year old father even after getting recovered from the infection. He mentioned that the infection his dad had was mild and was admitted to government hospital and then sent to Covid care centre as the symptoms got reduced. After 14days, he was discharged and he was asked to follow home isolation for 10 days. He concluded that in just 7 days his father developed breathlessness and passed away. It has been revealed that the patient had lung infection that was not detected during discharge and that was the real reason for the death.

It must be noted that a 40 year old Chennai resident was discharged from a care centre at Ambattur after 10 days of admission. He later developed breathlessness (oxygen levels below 60%) and was taken to the hospital for treatment. It is well known that now there is shortage of oxygen beds and due to that he got oxygen bed only after 5 to 6 hours. Currently, he is in ICU in the hospital.

At present, ICMR discharge policy of no exit tests is being followed in TN and more such cases are getting reported in TN. Information collected is that ICMR in its latest guidelines has mentioned that no testing is needed for those who have recovered from Coronavirus infection.

As per Dr. Sridhar, chief of medicine, SMCH, Chennai, radiological investigations could indicate the presence of infection post recovery. He added that clinical observations might fail to recognise complications after a long time of hospitalisation. Truth is that in some cases. CT scan could be helpful in detecting lung issues despite symptoms that have subsided.

Tamil Nadu is following the discharge policy as stated by ICMR and Union health ministry. This was brought out by Mr. T.S. Selvavinayagam, DPH.