Just a few days back, for calculating the usage of electricity, the activists have urged Tangedco to accept self assessment carried out by the low tension consumers. Point is that Tangedco has issued orders to the engineers to allow self assessment. Now, it has been revealed that the consumers could send self assessment through emails or through WhatsApp.
An order was issued on 20th of May and as per the order it was clear that the previous month`s billing could be deleted and the entry of actual reading could be made to resolve the consumer’s representation. It also mentioned that the superintending engineers have been given instructions to arrange to accept the self assessment reading furnished by the LT consumers through WhatsApp photo, SMS or WhatsApp message, letter, email to section officer, AE/JE in text or in the form of photo. On the Tangedcos website, the mobile numbers of various section officers are available.
It is worthy to note that based on the self assessment reading furnished by the LT consumers the previous months billing would be deleted and a new bill for May 2021 would be raised and sent back.
For paying the electricity bill charges and other arrears, the LT consumers could make use of internet banking, mobile banking, payment gateway, Bharat Bill Pay System and others etc. It must not be forgotten that in 2020 Tangedco adopted previous bi-monthly billing. Truth is that it became an issue when actual reading was taken in subsequent summer periods leading to huge bill amounts.