The class 12 board examinations in Tamil Nadu that were supposed to be held in May have been postponed due to the huge rise in the Coronavirus cases in Chennai and TN is well known.
The students, parents and teachers have been eagerly waiting for the board exams to be conducted. It is now said that the TN government would conduct the board exams for class 12 students only after the decline of the Covid-19 cases.
On Sunday, 23rd May 2021, the Tamil Nadu government informed the central government at a higher level meeting regarding conducting class12 board exams and entrance exams for the professional exams. The meeting was chaired by the defence minister Mr. Rajnath Singh and education minister Mr. Ramesh Pokhriyal. It must be noted that the central government discussed conducting CBSE class 12 board exams and also about the exam schedule that is whether to organise board exams in July or in August month. It is worthy to note that each state has its own opinion about conducting board exams depending on the prevailing situation in each state.
As per the school education minister in TN Mr. Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi, class 12 examinations are very important in deciding the higher studies and careers of the students. Giving the students all the passes would be useless. Like every other state, the state of TN is in favour of conducting board exams for the class 12 students. He also took part in the online meeting yesterday.
Truth is that the central government gave options to the state government including conducting objective type exams and reduction of exam timings etc. Information collected is that the state government expressed its reservations on conducting the board exam in the new pattern.
Mr. Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi concluded that at present the focus is on saving people from Covid-19 infection and a final call regarding the board exams would be taken based on the health departments report on declining Covid-19 cases. Till Tuesday, the central government has given time to the state governments to give their views on conducting board exams and entrance exams etc for the students.