Kumari Palany & Co

Certain factors to be observed / analyzed on Medical Insurance Policies!

Posted on: 26/May/2021 1:54:32 PM
This is the right time with the prevailing raging resurgent coronavirus sweeping the entire world with disastrous results to study the benefits of taking insurance policy coverage!

Especially, India has been one of the most affected countries in the prevailing resurgent coronavirus pandemic! In this situation, most of the citizens are aware of the vital importance the medical insurance coverage!

 Generally, it is always advisable to read and review all the salient features while taking insurance policy coverage! In this regard, especially those citizens interested in taking an insurance policy must ensure the expected benefits and features!

Let us now have look at the most important aspects/features of the insurance coverage to be noted:

Generally, while taking an insurance policy, it is better to read and have a detailed review of the important aspects of the benefits of the policy! On this accord, citizens who have planned to acquire a policy in this period, need to review the following aspects:

Waiting period: All medical insurance coverage policies have a waiting period. Certain benefits mentioned in the policy may not apply partly or fully during this waiting period! This waiting period is applicable for the policy on coronavirus as well! This waiting period may be anywhere between 1 week or 1 month! This waiting period may vary from one insurance company to another.

So, before taking the policy, study the waiting period for corona coverage and then only take the right policy offering the maximum benefit! At the same time, it is better to be aware of the expenses related to personal protection on coronavirus such as masks, gloves, sanitisers, etc. generally, these expenses are NOT included in the policies! However, presently, certain insurance comp[anies have come up with features including these expenses as well! So, it is better to read the policy in details regarding the above aspects!

Further, check whether the policy covers the house treatment! In case no beds are available, citizens may be forced to get the treatment in residence itself or even as per doctor’s advice take the treatment in residence!

As above, the policy which includes the aspect of house treatment may be better! So, it is better to check the policy whether it covers this! Some of the policies do include house treatment. Aspects like oxymeter; arrangement for oxygen should also be covered!

In case the citizen has already suffered from corona, it may be required that they need to wait until a specified period! This period, known as the ‘cooling period’, may be up to 6 months! So, it is advisable to check this aspect as well!

As regards citizens who have not been affected with coronavirus, if they do not already have a medical coverage policy, IT IS BEST ADVISED TO TAKE ONE IMMEDIATELY! Further, it is better to check the feature regarding the hospital room facility. Some policies may offer special room treatment!

The premium may vary according to the features referred to above! It is better to be aware of the procedure to get an ‘online’ policy! In case the citizen is under 65 years of age and does not have any physical ailments, it is possible to take the new policy without any medical check-up! As such, the policy would have an immediate benefit! Other citizens may undertake all required tests through ‘online’ procedures!