The State Government of Tamil Nadu has extended the facility for ‘Deregistration’ for other cadres of citizens such as the volunteers who undertake to help the differently-abled & senior citizens!
The 100% lockdown conditions already prevailing for 2 weeks were extended by the State Government of Tamil Nadu for 1 more week. However, the industrial sector and medical equipment concerns and the sales of essential items for the public were allowed to be functional!
At the same time, E-Registration has been made mandatory for the citizens venturing out for valid reasons. Accordingly, an exclusive website - - has been set up to make the E-registration for the citizens venturing out for valid medical reasons, employees of the industries, and deaths. E-Registration is done immediately and issued almost on the dot.
As such, self-volunteers are pleased that they would be able to extend their help wherever required without any blocks/interference.
It is worth mentioning here that E-Registration was first done for the train and flight passengers.