Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted a review meeting yesterday (Tuesday, 1st June) regarding the decision on conducting the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) Public Examinations for the 12th Standard students (+2). In this review meeting, all the senior central ministers including Amit Shah, Prakash Javadekar, and Nirmala Seetharaman participated.
After this important review meeting, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the Public Examinations for the 12th Standard CBSE students stand cancelled!
The Prime Minister explained that the central government was indeed constrained to take this decision with due consideration to the health and welfare of the concerned students!
In this scenario, The Tamil Nadu State Government Minister for School Education, Anbil Magesh is conducting a meeting today (Wednesday, 2nd June) with the senior officials of the Department of Education regarding conducting the Public Examination for the 12th Standard students (+2) in Tamil Nadu. The Minister Anbil Magesh further informed that the decision will be announced after a consultation session with the Chief Minister.
In the meeting conducted today by the State Minister for School Education Anbil Magesh, Secretary Kakarla Usha, Commissioner Nandakumar, Director of the Board of Examinations Usharani will participate.
With the categorical conclusion of the cancellation of the Public Examinations for the CBSE 12th Standard students, it is expected that certain important decisions will be taken in today’s meeting as above (Wednesday, 2nd June).