Kumari Palany & Co

Never do these if you want to lose weight

Posted on: 26/Jun/2021 9:16:49 AM
We all want to look lean, fit and nice isn’t it!!

Fact is that many of us do not fit in the above said category due to various reasons. Getting criticised for having excess body weight could lead to embarrassment and depression in the person. Hence, many persons who want to lose their excess weight take extreme measures as they want to get rid of their excess weight as fast as possible.

Truth is that weight loss is not an easy process. Losing weights in a healthy way is advisable.  It is important to mention that losing weight in an unhealthy manner would lead to many health issues and extreme methods must be avoided.

 Those who want to lose their excess weight must avoid doing these.

By starving or fasting:
There is a belief that by starving or fasting they would be able to lose their excess weight easily without any issue but it is not true. By intake of a few calories, weight loss might be possible but it could also lead to muscle loss and slow metabolism. So, please be careful.

By taking supplements:
Many supplements that are available in the market claim that they could help in weight loss effectively. Truth is that most of these supplements are not safe to consume. The advice of a doctor is necessary before consuming such supplements.

By detox plans:
There are chances of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance etc in the detox plans and cleanse plans opted by a person to lose his or her weight.

By extreme exercising:
Many try to lose their weight by doing extreme exercises without knowing the truth that the extreme exercises could lead to severe wear and tear, more injuries, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance etc.

By purging:
This is also being tried by few who want to lose their excess weight. It must be noted that purging includes self vomiting by chewing food and spitting it out. It could result in an eating disorder in the person.

By smoking:
Many young adults take up smoking as a diet strategy to lose their excess weight and this could be really dangerous. It is known that smoking could lead to several health issues in us.