Kumari Palany & Co

5 food items men MUST STRICTLY AVOID for full quality semen!

Posted on: 22/Jul/2021 2:03:54 PM
The daily food items taken by the citizens play the most significant role in the healthy lifestyle!


Soya Food items:
  • Food items made with soya are rich in phytoestrogens. Some scientists opine that intake of excess phytoestrogens will affect the balance of the hormones generated.
  • In a research undertaken by the experts in Boston, the USA for treatment of the deficient semen, After analysing the treatment record of 88 males it is established that the generation of semen reduces in quantity for the men who have an excessive intake of soya food items!

Trans Hats:
  • Food items containing trans-fat are considered harmful to both men’s and women’s health! Trans-fats increase the prospects of heart-related complaints. Further, in research conducted in In Spain in 2011, it has been established that trans-fat rich food items may cause a deficiency in semen for men.

Processed Meats:
  • It is also learnt that frequent intake of processed meat can harm the sperm count (intensity) of the semen. However, the same experiments have not confirmed any harm to the intake of chicken.

Insecticides and BisPhenalA (BPA):
  • Though the insecticides are not taken directly, the insecticides and chemicals manage to enter the food while taking agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits where insecticides are regularly used for better growth and harvest of the plants! Further, the food items sold in packages and cans contain BPA and the chemicals in insecticides act as Xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogen is a chemical that acts just like estrogens and the researchers establish that these may reduce the sperm count in the semen. AS SUCH, IT IS STRICTLY ADVISABLE THAT IT IS BETTER TO WASH THE VEGETABLES AND FRUITS THOROUGHLY IN WATER MIXED WITH SALT AND TURMERIC AND THEN ONLY USE THEM IN COOKING!

Dairy items with high-fat content:
  • Sperm count gets reduced by frequent intake of dairy items rich in fat content. In research conducted by Rochester Young Men, analytical research was undertaken with the males in the age group 18-22 regarding the link between sperm count and food items. This research established that intake of dairy items with rich fat content (milk with unremoved fat, cream, and cheese) led to a reduction in the sperm count!