Deepavali is an important festival in Tamil Nadu and the people purchase crackers to celebrate the festival of deepavali is known. It is now said that the deepavali would boost the cracker business. This was according to some cracker manufacturers in Sivakasi.
It was pointed out by Mr. S. Ganesh Panchurajan, president, TANFAMA, that innovations in the fireworks industry continued despite Covid-19 issue and this was due to the advent of modern technology. He added that this time new items would be introduced. It is learnt that the fireworks industry stakeholders have been expecting to get support from 7 states this time around. IT IS known that in these states cracker sales were banned last year.
The manufacturers have made just green crackers and they have abided by the order from the Supreme Court. In Sivakasi, a green fireworks research lab would be coming up and an amount of Rs 25 crores would be spent for this purpose.