Kumari Palany & Co

From 11:32 in the morning till 5:34 in the evening - Longest ever Lunar Eclipse tomorrow after 580 years!!

Posted on: 18/Nov/2021 9:26:00 AM
After 580 years, the longest ever lunar eclipse would occur tomorrow 19th of November from morning 11:32 till evening 5:34!! Sound’s incredible isn’t it!!

It must be noted that in the year 1440 on 18th of February the previous longest lunar eclipse took place and it made news. The next longest lunar eclipse would occur in the year 2669 on 8th of February. The scientists have mentioned that the longest lunar eclipse in this century will occur tomorrow. It is known that when the sun, earth and moon come in a single straight line then eclipses would occur.

Solar eclipse would occur when the moon`s shadow covers the sun and when the earth’s shadow covers the moon it is a lunar eclipse. When the moon gets covered completely by the earth then it is called a total lunar eclipse and when the moon gets covered partly it is a partial lunar eclipse.

It would be possible to witness this rare spectacular longest lunar eclipse from north-east Europe, East Asia, parts belonging to the Pacific Ocean, Australia, parts belonging to north and south America etc. It is now said that in India in states like Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in the north eastern side after the moon rise this longest lunar eclipse could be witnessed.