Kumari Palany & Co

Trying to lose your excess body weight, then you must not eat these fibre rich foods

Posted on: 18/Nov/2021 9:28:29 AM
Many overweight people face lots of humiliation from others. They try various ways to get rid of their excess body weight. Truth is that the overweight persons would not find success in losing weight immediately and they get depressed. Losing excess weight is not that easy and it needs lots of patience, dedication etc. It is believed that by consuming fibre rich foods overweight persons could lose their excess weight but excess intake of fibre rich foods could make it difficult for the person to lose excess weight.

Various fibre rich foods that must be avoided by the person trying to lose his or her excess weights are

Avoid intake of quick oats:
Healthiest breakfast is oatmeal that has got plenty of fibres, proteins and other nutrients. Point is that not all oat meals are good for health. Quick oats are unhealthy for the body as they are highly processed and have high sugar content and high calories etc. It must be taken into account that this would increase the glycemic levels and could cause a spike in the blood sugar levels.

Avoid whole wheat bread:
Those who are trying to shed extra kilos must not eat whole wheat bread. This bread has a lesser amount of fibres when compared to other breads like brown and white breads. The whole white bread is not healthy and has less nutrients than fruits and vegetables etc.

Avoid intake of creamy vegetable soups:
People in the weight loss process must not consume creamy vegetable soups. Both fibres as well as calories are present in huge amounts in creamy vegetable soups. It would be difficult for the person to lose his or her excess weight due to an increase in the calories. Instead of creamy vegetable soup, the person trying to lose weight could have bone broth or vegetable soup that is clear.

Avoid intake of cereals:
Not many of us know that intake of certain cereals could harm the health in the long run. Those cereals having whole grains or fibre rich contents are not good for the health. Flavoured cereals have high sugar content, high calorie and they could not help us to lose excess weight.

Avoid high fibre fruit juice:
Those who are on weight loss process must not consume high fibre fruit juice. It is possible that we might get fibres and vitamin C from fortified juice and inspite of that those who want to lose excess weight must avoid this juice.

Avoid dried fruits:
Nutrient rich dried fruits could provide many health benefits like providing energy, helps in digestion and improves our overall health etc. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins and fibres etc. They have high quantities of sugar and hence excess s intake of dried fruits could prevent us from losing weight. Whole fresh fruits consumption would be better instead of dried fruits.

Avoid whole wheat bagels:
These foods lack vitamins, minerals etc but have carbohydrates and calories in them. Excess intake of whole wheat bagels could not help in the weight loss process.