Rainfall of more than 1000mm has been recorded in a single month of November in 2021, for the third time since the year 1815 in the period of the last 206 years!
It is traditional to receive widespread rain in most parts of Tamil Nadu during the northeast monsoon rainy season from October to November every year!
There will be more rainfall especially in the coastal areas including Chennai Metro City. Though the northeast monsoon rainy season had failed in certain years, it has mostly rained copiously during the northeast monsoon rainy season! Excessive downpour, with a recorded rainfall of over 1000mm has occurred ib
N the years 1918, 2015 and 2021!
As the northeast monsoon rainy season has intensified, there has been very heavy persistent downpour in the northern districts of Chennai, Thiruvallur, Kanchipuram, Cuddalore, and Vellore and the other districts including Thirunelveli and Kanyakumari.
During November 2021, from the 1st to 30th, a rainfall of 1076 mm has been recorded over 30 days!
In the records about rainfalls recorded since 1815 in Chennai Metro City, a rainfall of 842 mm has been recorded in the year 1815 November. Subsequently, a rainfall of 1088 mm has been recorded in November 1918 and 1049 mm rainfall has been recorded during November 2015 and then a rainfall of 1055 mm in November 2021!
A rainfall of 831 mm has been recorded for November 1997.
Here is a record of the rainfall recorded in November from 1815 to 2021 (November) in mm:
1918 - 1088, 2021 - 1055, 2015 - 1049, 1985 - 983, 1884 - 850, 1960 - 849, 1815 - 842, 1922 - 833, 1896 - 831, and 1997 - 831.