In the future, the government as well as government aided schools in TN would not have any documents and registers etc!!
It is well known that many registers and documents are being maintained by the government and by the government aided schools in Tamil Nadu. These registers and documents would be digitized and this was according to the state government. The main purpose was to reduce the burden of the headmasters and other administrative staff of the schools. More than 15 registers are being maintained for the students and teachers at each government school.
Various registers are registers on freebies, school development fund, library, non teaching staffs, school management committee document, student’s health care cards and lab books etc.
It was later revealed by a senior education officer belonging to the school education department that through EMIS or Education Management Information Systems an online platform connecting schools, teachers and students has been put in place. He added that headmasters and non teaching staff have limited options for storing data in that.
In the government schools belonging to the rural places in TN, there is only a lesser number of non teaching staff and due to this reason manual registers are being maintained by the teachers now. Point is that this is not only an increased burden on the teachers but also an additional work that affects the academic activities. There are 46000 government schools in Tamil Nadu and these schools have desktop computers. Therefore, it was decided by the government to digitise all the manual documents and registers etc.
It is now said that in the first phase of the online system project the existing manual data would be digitised. The senior officer spoke about how at present referring to the old documents consumes lots of time and how many schools do not have proper space to keep the registers and documents safely. The authorities belonging to the school education department would be making sure that all the government schools have computers and internet connections. This would be done before putting an online registration facility in place. It is revealed that some manual registers that are not useful would not be maintained.