Kumari Palany & Co

A new proposal from Central Government: 4 reforms including Aadhar Voter ID link!

Posted on: 16/Dec/2021 2:43:02 PM
The central government is all set to enact the proposal to link the Voter ID with the Aadhar Card.

The Central Government Cabinet Ministry has approved table this proposal.

The Election Commission has appealed to bring some important changes in the voter ID as well as the election procedure.

The election commission has already presented the details for the major important election changes sought.

The Election Commission had recommended some important changes including releasing news by paying during elections, and the candidates who lie in their declaration of personal details.

Another important issue is to make the citizens aware of What is a blue Aadhar card, how to get it, and what is its necessity, etc.

After the Election Commission’s appeal, the Central Government is now all set to propose the changes in the Law accordingly.

 The Central cabinet ministry has approved this proposal.

There are 4 reforms proposed in this petition.

As per this, a decision has been taken to link the Voter ID with the Aadhar card. Just like the PAN card (Permanent Account Number – Income Tax Department) is linked with Aadhar as mandatory, it is also possible to link the Voter ID card with Aadhar card. However, presently, it is not mandatory. as per the Supreme Court Order. However, with this link, it is possible for citizens to cast vote based on the Aadhar card if the Voter ID card is misplaced or lost!

The Election Commission conducted some experiments on a trial basis in this regard and they were successful! As such, the Election Commission recommended this procedure. Based on this, the Central Cabinet Ministry has approved the proposal to Link Voter ID with Aadhar cards.

At present, a single citizen can apply for a voter ID only once a year. But, as per the new proposal to be tabled in the parliament, a citizen can apply and get up to 4 new voter ID cards in a single year! 4 cut-off dates will be given for this. This is considered to be an important change.

Earlier, there used to be situations arising where the military or defence personnel could not vote, the permission f=was given for their wives to cast votes on their behalf.  At the same time, the husbands of the woman citizen employed in military or defence services were NOT ALLOWED TO EXERCISE THIS RIGHT ON BEHALF THEIR WIVES!

In the proposed revision, the spouses of the military/defence personnel – husband or wife – will be allowed to exercise voting.

As per the next proposal, the maximum authority has been given to the Election Commission to utilise any place during the election period.

Earlier, some citizens raised objections for the election to be conducted in schools by the Election Commission. Only in this situation, the Election Commission has been given the authority to conduct the election/counting of votes at any desired place.