The Coronavirus infection as well as the latest Omicron variant has been spreading rapidly in the state of Tamil Nadu. Many have been affected by these and are undergoing treatment in various government hospitals.
The health minister of TN Mr. M. Subramanian stated that most of the patients who have been undergoing treatment at various government hospitals were not in ICU or on oxygen support.
The latest data has revealed clearly that less than 8% of the oxygen beds and about 5% of ICUs have been occupied by the patients and this was till Monday. The health minister and the health secretary made their presence felt in Thiruvanmiyur and were inspecting a Covid- 19 cluster area there.
It is learnt that those with mild symptoms are being treated in home isolation or quarantine and they are monitored virtually. With the help of 178 volunteers, the GCC has been monitoring home isolated patients through tele-calling. The health minister hinted that the patients whose oxygen levels were above 92% do not need any hospitalization.
As many as21987 are in home isolation now in Chennai and 1000 volunteers have been appointed by GCC to help these persons in home isolation.
The health minister later explained about how those persons who do not have good home facilities for home isolation and those above the age of 60 and those with co-morbid conditions would be treated at the Covid care centers in Chennai. Important information is that only samples from Covid cluster areas are being sent for genomic sequencing to check the presence of the Omicron variant. It must be noted that persons who test positive get discharged by the time genome sequencing results are obtained. He concluded that among the new cases, 85% of the samples have revealed a drop in their ‘S’ gene indicating the presence of Omicron variant in them.