There are many students in Tamil Nadu who are aspiring to become doctors in the future. These medical aspirants could feel delighted by this piece of news now.
Today, 12th January 2022, the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi will be opening 11 new medical colleges in TN through video conferencing.
Various 11 districts in Tamil Nadu where these new medical colleges are constructed are Virudhu Nagar, Ramanathapauram, Dindigul, Nilgris, Tiruppur, Namakkal, Tiruvallur, Nagapattinam, Krishnagiri, Ariyalur, Kallakurichi etc. It must be remembered that last year the Central government gave its approval regarding construction of new medical colleges in these districts. The construction activities of these new medical colleges have been completed successfully.
It was earlier mentioned that the prime minister would come to Chennai to open these new medical colleges but due to the rise in the Coronavirus cases the visit of the prime minister to Chennai has been canceled. The PM office has confirmed that the PM of India Mr. Narendra Modi would be opening these new medical colleges in TN through video conferencing itself on 12th January 2022. By these new medical colleges, there are now additional 1450 MBBS seats available. The PM would also be opening a new block in the Chennai Central Institute of Classical Tamil Research today.
It is worthy to note that in TN new medical colleges have been constructed at a cost of Rs 4000 crores. Out of that amount, the central government has provided Rs 2145 crores and the remaining amount has been provided by the TN state government.