The fresh or new Coronavirus cases continue to increase in Chennai and in Tamil Nadu now. In this scenario, public health experts have placed three groups of people under Red Alert.
The 3 groups are unvaccinated senior persons with co-morbid conditions, nearly 15% of Covid patients who get infected by Delta variant and youngsters who ignore the symptoms. It is important to note that 80% of deaths that were reported in the last few days were among senior citizens only.
Information is that on Tuesday out of a total of 29 deaths 24 deaths belonged to those above the age of 60. In the same way on Monday 16 out of 20 deaths and on Sunday 16 out of 22 deaths belonged to those above the age of 60.
The sensational piece of information is that till now nearly 37% of 1.04 crores senior citizens or above the age of 60 in Tamil Nadu nearly 39 lakhs havent yet taken even a single dose of vaccination and more than half of them were not fully vaccinated.
Dr. T.S. Selvavinayagam, director of Public Health mentioned that the risk of hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths is very high among this group of people. He added that the elderly persons must take the prescribed 2 doses of vaccinations and those with co-morbid conditions must have the additional precautionary vaccination dose without fail.
According to the director of medical education Dr R. Narayana Babu, mild infections was noticed in nearly 85% of those who have been infected. He added that in atleast 15% of the patients there was no S gene drop out. It is learnt that the persons who get affected by Omicron variant show only mild symptoms like cold, cough and fever etc. Omicron variant does not invade the lungs and therefore the patient would not get any respiratory based issues.