Kumari Palany & Co

Girl student safety - CCTV cameras in GCC run corporation schools in Chennai

Posted on: 27/Jan/2022 9:31:45 AM
The safety of the girl students is always a cause for concern!!

It is now said that CCTV cameras would be installed in the GCC run corporation schools in Chennai to make the girl students safe. Nirbhaya Fund would be providing an amount of Rs 5.5 crores for this new project of fixing CCTV cameras in the corporation schools. By this, the safety of women would be enhanced. On 159 school premises, as many as 636 CCTV cameras would be installed under this project. There would be 4 CCTV cameras in each of the 159 schools.

The officer belonging to GCC stated that based on the building structure of the selected schools, the placement of the CCTV cameras would be decided. Around 35000 girl students studying in these 159 schools would be benefitted by the CCTV cameras. 

After discussion with the TN government, tenders have been floated. Information collected is that apart from the Chennai Corporation Chennai police and transport department have also proposed projects under the Nirbhaya Fund keeping safety of women in the mind. Truth is that safer and better toilet facilities for women would also be implemented. All the CCTV cameras would be linked to the central server and by this the safety of girl students would be monitored.