On Thursday, 19th May 2022, the HR & CE department sealed the Chennai based famous Ranade library and Srinivasa Sastri Hall located above it. It is well known that this library is 117 years old. The reason for sealing was that a rental arrears amount of Rs 79 lakhs was due to the Kapaleeswarar temple in Mylapore.
It was mentioned by an official source that reconstruction was carried out without any approval. The property is present on the Luz Church Road next to Mylapore Club and was built in 3 grounds and the property is of 736 sq ft. Despite many notices, the rent (fixed by HR & CE) was not paid by the association. Hence the property was sealed. It is noteworthy that the Ranade library has more than 8000 books from the 1800s and 1900s. Newspapers and magazines have been provided by this library to the readers. Truth is that the rent from the Srinivasa Sastri Hall was used to run this library.
Only the tiled roof on the first floor was repaired and not even an inch of additional floor space was built. This was as per some sources in the association. Since the roofs were falling, repairs were done. It is now said that the rent dues would be paid soon after discussing the issue with the concerned authorities.
Mr. M.G. Ranade was a social reformer and a legal luminary of Bombay and the library was named after him. The library was started by Mr. V. Krishnaswami iyer, a former judge.