As the GCC has decided to install 2 lifts for those who are differently able, the opening of the skywalk that is under construction would be delayed as of now.
It must be noted here that when deputy Mayor of Chennai visited this place in T. Nagar in March 2022 advice was given to provide 2 more lifts at the entry and exit points in the skywalk here for the sake of differently abled persons. Truth is that it needed 3 months of time. The owner of a nearby shop had asked to avoid the staircase foundation and pillar in front of the shop and a writ petition was filed by him regarding this.
It was brought out by an officer belonging to GCC that providing lifts on the location would also avoid litigation. It has been revealed that the total time that was needed to complete this project would be August.
The resolution then pointed out other reasons like how the permission was issued by traffic police to work only in the night time leading to the delay now. It is known that the site is located in the central business district or CBD and work is being carried out in a thickly congested market place. There has been no restriction on the vehicular as well as on the pedestrian movements. It is noteworthy that welding as well as fabrication works could be carried out for just 3 hours in the night.
It is known that under the smart city mission, a skywalk is being built linking Mambalam railway station and T. Nagar bus stand.