Kumari Palany & Co

What is going to happen in the 80 Chennai Corporation schools?

Posted on: 29/Aug/2022 9:33:41 AM
As many as eighty schools belonging to GCC would be undergoing changes!!

It is now said that the infrastructure, school management system plus classroom environment and ICT for teacher development etc would be undergoing changes in another 6 months.

It is worthy to mention that the preparation of MOU for the subject specific teacher training and development is under discussion with Tata Institute of Social Sciences or TISS. There are plans to build atleast 200 classrooms in various parts of Chennai.

In another 6 months, work on modernisation and re-development of 80 schools would get over. There would be changes in the classroom environment, homework follow up plus others like weekly tests, remedial classes and ICT training for the teachers belonging to the 80 schools.

The school leadership training has been given to 600 head teachers and this was according to D. Sneha, deputy commissioner of education. There is now focussing going on to improve the attendance of the students in the schools. She mentioned that emphasising and following up on ten homework given in each school and how weekly tests are being organised for the students. Remedial classes are being taken based on these weekly tests.

Information collected is that GCC has taken up 28 schools at an estimated cost of Rs 76.25 crores and this was done mainly to improve the infrastructure under City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and Sustain CITIIS. Work has been taken up in 24 schools at a cost of Rs 50.66 crores. Work in 28 schools would be taken up under phase-2. Point is that eighteen tenders have been called at an estimated cost of Rs 48 crores.

It was concluded by D. Sneha that GCC has procured 10000 aesthetically designed dual desks from TANSI at a cost of Rs 9.8 crores. About 4000 more desks would be procured.