Information is gathered that henceforth all Saturdays will be holidays for the banks!
The 2nd & 4th Saturdays of all months have been declared as Holidays for all the nationalized Banks/Branches throughout the country. This system has been functioning from the year 2015!
Subsequently, the bank employees have put up a demand that all Saturdays MUST be declared as holidays!
After a few discussions in this regard, it is gathered that this demand for all Saturdays to be holidays for the bank employees HAS BEEN ACCEPTED!
It is learnt that this implementation of all Saturdays being holidays for bank employees will apply to all Public Sector Banks, Private sector Banks, Foreign Banks, Cooperative banks, Village Banks, and local interior banks!
Information gathered is that the announcement regarding all Saturdays being bank holidays is expected to be announced shortly.
Naturally, this news is welcomed with great enthusiasm and cheer by the Bank Employees!