Kumari Palany & Co

Deadline extended by the ERC now for issuing notices to the houses with multiple electricity connections in Chennai!!

Posted on: 26/Oct/2022 9:37:25 AM
For inspecting and issuing notices for the houses that have more than one electricity connection, the Electricity Regulatory Commission or ERC has extended the deadline now to April 2023.

It must be noted that ERC has given permission to the Electricity Board or EB to to increase the electricity charges for the house, shops and for commercial establishments. From  10th September the electricity tariff hike came into effect.  It must be taken into note that if a house has got more than one electricity connection then only one connection would get 100 percent free electricity and subsidy from the TN govt. Free electricity and subsidy etc would be canceled for the other connection and charges for that connection would be converted into public utility charges. In this aspect ERC has ordered EB to send notices within 2 weeks to those houses that have more than one electricity connection.

The EB has got some confusion regarding this now. It is worthy to note that an explanation was sought from the ERC about the need to purchase the contact documents for the houses that have been rented or leased. Explanation was also sought for the action that would be needed to be taken if people living in the joint families have a separate family card & the family has got more than one electricity connection. A request was made on the behalf of EB to give more time to issue notices as maintenance works would need to be carried out due to NE monsoons and festivals etc.