Kumari Palany & Co

Timetable for Public Examinations for 10th, 11th and 12th Standards released!

Posted on: 07/Nov/2022 3:57:39 PM
Tamil Nadu State Government Minister for School Education Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi released the timetables for the Public Examinations for the 10th, 11th & 12th Standards for the current academic year.

The State Minister for School Education had a session with the press reporters and shared:

"The Public Examinations for the 12th Standard students (+2) for the current academic year commences on 13th March and concludes on 3rd April.

Around 8,8 Lakhs are writing the Public Examination throughout the State of Tamil Nadu.

Further, the Public Examination for the 11th Standard students is scheduled to commence on 14th March and concludes on 5th April. Around 8.5 lakhs candidates are writing this.

The Public Examination for the 10th Standard students is scheduled to commence on 6th April and concludes on 20th April.10 Lakh candidates are writing."

10th Time Table:

11th Time Table:

12th Time Table: