The residents of Chennai celebrated the festival of Karthigai Deepam with fire crackers etc and due to this the air quality became worse in the city. It was mentioned by a data from CPCB or Central Pollution Control Board that at 8 pm on Tuesday the AQI or air quality index was 311 at Alandur. This is regarded as a very poor air quality level. At the same time on Monday, Alandur in south Chennai recorded an AQI of 232.
Yesterday evening, localities like Arumbakkam and Ennore recorded AQI of 183 and 237 respectively. On Monday, these localities recorded AQI of 112 and 138 respectively. Yesterday, localities like Manali, Perungudi and Royapuram recorded AQI of 148, 258 and 223 respectively but on Monday the 3 localities recorded AQI of 99, 138 and 125 respectively.
On Wednesday morning that is today, the air quality in Chennai remained almost the same as AQI recorded on Tuesday evening due to foggy conditions. It must be recalled that on Deepavali day the air quality index went above 500 in several localities in the Chennai city leading to higher air pollution than even Delhi. Point is that many residents burst the leftover crackers (of deepavali) yesterday leading to worsening of the air quality.