Kumari Palany & Co

Never make these mistakes when you are eating fruits!!

Posted on: 11/Dec/2022 3:23:57 PM
Eating the fruits properly is very important if we want to get maximum benefits from them!!

It is a known fact that fruits are superb for our weight loss and that is because they are low in calories but rich in fibre content. By eating fruits, our overall health would be good as we would be getting the much needed vitamins and minerals etc needed for our body. Being the most natural foods available, fruits are rich in sucrose, fructose and glucose etc that are needed for our body to function well. It is necessary to keep certain things in our minds while eating fruits or else we could be missing out on the important benefits of fruits. There are few mistakes many of us make while eating fruits and these mistakes must be avoided.

Various mistakes to avoid while eating fruits are

Eating fruits with food:
One important property of fruits is that they would break down easily when compared to other foods. Toxins would be generated when fruits are consumed along with some foods. Truth is that food pairing could slow down the digestion process in us. It must be noted that the fruits must stay in the stomach as long as the heaviest food takes to digest and this would make the nutrient adsorption difficult. Point is that the fruits would start to ferment in the digestive juices and this could lead to illness etc. It is for this reason that fruits must be eaten separately and not with the food.

Consuming fruits at nights:
Our digestive system would get disturbed when we consume food just before going to sleep. Therefore, we must eat 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. This applies to the intake of fruits too. Eating fruits right before bed would release a lot of sugar and this would spike the energy levels. By this, our sleep would get disrupted. Fact is that in the night the ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients is less. So, when we eat fruits in the nights then it could lead to acidity issues in us. It is good to eat fruits in the evenings only as a snack and not later on.

Drinking water immediately:
This is one common mistake that the majority of us make. Not only kids but even adults drink water right after eating fruits and this must be avoided. The pH level of the digestive system would become unbalanced when we drink water after eating fruits. This would be mostly if we eat fruits that have high water content in them like watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber etc. The acidity of the stomach would be reduced  as the pH balance would be changed when we eat fruits with high water content. This could lead to diarrhoea and cholera etc.

Eating fruits alone but not the peel or skin:
The fruit peel or skin has got vitamins and antioxidants etc and majority of us just eat the fruit part and not the peel. Research studies have mentioned that eatating the fruit peel would lower the risk of cancer and obesity etc.