Kumari Palany & Co

Beware!! NO MORE DEADLINE EXTENSION -Just 4 more days left to link Aadhar with electricity connections!!

Posted on: 28/Jan/2023 9:47:10 AM
With just 4 more days left , the work to link Aadhaar numbers with electricity connections has been going on at full swing now. Across the state of Tamil Nadu, there are 2.67lakhs consumers of electricity who use 100 units of free electricity and 500 units at subsidised rates.

Some time back, the Central govt has directed the state governments to link Aadhaar number of the consumer with the details of the free and subsidised beneficiaries. On 15th of November in 2022, the linking of Aadhaar number with the electricity connections number began is known.

Previously, 31st of December 2022 was announced as the deadline for linking these two important details. Since many consumers did not link their Aadhaar number and electricity connection number  31st of January 2023 was announced as the last date for linking. For this, in as many as 2811 electricity division offices in the state, special counters were opened is known. Just 4 more days are left now for linking Aadhaar number and electricity connection number and only 2.25 crores people have linked these.

 Now, EB has made it very clear that the deadline would not be extended further. Those who haven`t yet linked their Aadhaar numbers and electricity connection number would not only be able to pay their electricity bills but have to pay a fine also.

Mr. S. Kannan, TN,Electricity Employees Central organisation (CITU) mentioned that more than 42 lakhs consumers have not yet linked their Aadhaar numbers with electricity connection numbers till now. He added that EB does not have proper internet facilities at its offices to store the consumers data etc.  The EB staff have been working even on the holidays now and due to this their stress has become more now. Soon, protests would be held regarding this. The EB officials have mentioned that the issue would be resolved after consulting with the government.