The central Finance Minister, Nirmala Seetharaman, presented the budget for the Financial Year 2023-24 today (Wednesday, 1st February). In the Parliament!
The Budge Session in the parliament commenced today (1st February). Subsequently, at 11.00 AM, the Central Faineance Minister Nirmala Seetharaman presented the Budget for the Financial Year 2023-24!
- This is Nirmala Seetharaman`s 5th Budget presentation!
- For the central cabinet under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, this is the 10th budget!
- This is the 3rd `Paperless Budget` presented after Independence!
It is a general and traditional procedure to keep the budget presentation-related files in a suitcase and come! However, the central Finance Minister Nirmala Seetharaman, in her previous 4 budget presentations, has been carrying a red velvet bag containing budget-related documents. This being the 5th time, today also the Central Finance Minister carried the red velvet bag containing the budget-related files!