Kumari Palany & Co

High accurate prediction of rain patterns in Chennai & across TN possible soon!!

Posted on: 06/Feb/2023 9:47:06 AM
With the installation of 1400 automated rain gauges in Tamil Nadu, it would be possible to measure the pattern of rains accurately soon. The work regarding this is progressing fast now.

According to Dr. SP. Ramanathan, head, Agro Climate Research Centre, TNAU, spoke about how the procurement process has been going on now for these telemetric rain gauges. Across TN, these technologically advanced rain gauges would be installed and they would come in the place of manual rain gauges. 

By this, automatic measurement of the rains would be possible and then the data would be transferred to the server. In 50 locations that do not have any network, the rain gauges were to be connected through satellites. It is learnt that Dr. Ramanathan is also a technical committee member who has been appointed by the Tamil Nadu  govt for procuring the rain gauges.

The farmers (with the accurate info about rainfall) would be able to plan their cultivation patterns by the new technologically advanced rain gauges. The prevailing variation in rain would increase the need for more such rain gauges. Once the new system comes into effect, many farmers would be benefited.

It is worthy to note that out of the planned 1400 rain gauges in TN even if  approximately 600 rain gauges are fixed in the coastal areas, river beds and in some vulnerable places etc then a minimum of 2 could be installed in each of the 385 blocks in the state. 

The places (where to fix these new rain gauges) have been identified and now supply is being awaited from the vendors. Wealth of information about the rainfall could be provided to the farmers by accessing accurate data of the rainfall. At present across Tamil Nadu, there are more than 100 manual rain gauges present and they have been installed by the IMD.