Kumari Palany & Co

Director of Public Health orders patrolling medical squads in the areas of virus/fever spread!

Posted on: 06/Mar/2023 12:34:21 PM
The Director of the Department of Public Health of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered the senior officers to arrange roaming medical squads in the areas where the spread of the fever/virus has been more intensive!

Though the winter season and the seasonal monsoon rains have ended, the fever is spreading in several parts of the State of Tamil Nadu!

The fever, with complaints of body pain, throat pain, cough and cold has been spreading faster especially among the senior citizens and children!

In this scenario, in a recent survey and analysis conducted by the Department of Public Health, it has been established that 50% of the citizens have this Influenza-A type infection! Next on the list is the virus RSV affecting the lungs has affected 37.50% of citizens.

Subsequently, the Director of the Department of Public Health of the State Government of Tamil Nadu, Selvavinayakam, has given some important instructions by a circular to the District Assistant Directors of the Department of Public Health. This circular mentions:

"Apart from intensifying the monitoring of the spread of fever, the infrastructure of medical attention must be strengthened. The details of the fever spread must be shared on the IHIB Web page of the Department for the prevention of Infections!

Roaming medical squads must be arranged to visit the areas where the spread of the fever is more intense! The squad must identify the affected citizens and immediately arrange for the blood test and categories the type of affected virus!

For the citizens requiring more intensive treatment, they must be recommended to get admitted to government hospitals with the required equipment and facilities!

Further, inspection and monitoring must be undertaken on the status of the spread of the mosquitoes and their breeding.

Apart from all as above-mentioned, the right extent of chlorination must be done on the drinking water from public distribution. The quality of the food served in various places MUST be checked. Individual health MUST also be given due attention!"