Kumari Palany & Co

Alcoholic beverages (Liquor) not to be allowed in family functions and celebrations: Tamil Nadu Government amended announcement!

Posted on: 25/Apr/2023 1:06:36 PM
The guidelines for offering liquor (alcoholic beverages) in non-commercial sections or locations where functions and celebrations are conducted HAVE BEEN AMENDED by the State Government of Tamil Nadu, which has released an announcement cancelling the permission given for offering liquor in these events/functions/celebrations.

The amended announcement mentions that special permission for offering alcoholic beverages (liquor) is allowed and in practice in states such as Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Delhi for locations where commercial conferences, sales promotions, events of public gathering, banquet halls, and sports grounds are conducted.

On March 18th, a notification was released that the permission to offer liquor in Marriage Halls, other events, and celebrations was released. However, the State Government of Tamil Nadu conducted a detailed analysis of the feedback received from the recent permission and as such, this amendment has been removed. The offer of liquor will now be permitted on a temporary basis only in the conference centers in commercial complexes, national events being organized in conference halls, international events, summit conferences, and national and international sports events conducted in grounds and stadiums.

Therefore, the recent release permitting the celebrations, functions, and events which are performed in non-commercial locations to allow offers of liquor is being removed.